Giskard Hub

Enterprise Hub with visual testing, explainability & debugging dashboards, built for collaborative Al Quality, Security & Compliance at scale.
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Enabling teams to collaborate, on top of the open-source library

Giskard Library
Giskard Hub
Automated vulnerability scan
Programmatic testing
Testing dashboards for compliance
Interactive test catalog
Visual model comparison
(metric by metric)
Visual debugging with Explainable AI
Human feedback management
Secure collaboration with granular permissions

Identify the best AI models

Compare different AI models and promote them based on a comprehensive set of quality metrics.

Debug AI errors with Explainable AI & Human Feedback

Share results with your team and gather valuable human feedback to diagnose model failures.

Get automated insights to fix gaps in your testing, making your test suites more comprehensive.
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Collaborate with our visual Test Catalog

Stop wasting time creating new testing components for every new AI use case. Use our ready-made components, create new ones, and easily add them to your test suite.
Our Test Catalog includes 100+ predefined tests, slicing and transformation functions to cover a wide range of real-world testing scenarios.

Ready. Set. Test!
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Join the community

Welcome to an inclusive community focused on AI Quality, Security & Compliance! Join us to share best practices, create new tests, and shape the future of AI standards together.


All those interested in AI Quality, Security & Compliance are welcome!